Kaitlin Western

Kaitlin is an Energetic Kinesiologist based in Australia who has been working with flower remedies for over 25 years.

Her focus over the last few years has been integrating LOTUSWEI flower essences deeper into her Kinesiology work.

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"As time goes by, and the more clients I see, I believe the synchronicity between the two modalities [energetic kinesiology & flower essences] is even more profound. With every client, I'm looking deeply into what they need to remove stress within their body. Tapping into their innate awareness, with the use of muscle monitoring is exciting,  as we follow the trail of clues that the body provides us, via the muscle response. This is significant, as the muscle monitoring not only directs us to the root cause, but also to what the body needs to resolve the issue. No matter what it is ... I always find myself saying:

'There's a flower for that!'"



Energetic Kinesiology & Flower Essences

For every emotional trauma we hold—and we all hold them—a little piece of our life-force is taken away from us living our truest potential.

Liberate more life-force by removing imbalances & traumas.

Access the truth of your body through kinesiology, muscle monitoring & tapping into your innate awareness.

Find out exactly what your body needs & which flower essences will support you.

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  • Energetic Kinesiology

    Energy Kinesiology is a non-invasive, holistic approach to health and wellbeing based on a synergistic combination of Western models of neurological muscle function and Eastern models of energy medicine.

  • LOTUSWEI Flower Essences

    Kaitlin has over 25 years experience working with Flower Remedies to support not only emotional imbalance, but anatomy + physiological issues also

  • Autism Support

    Kaitlin works both in person and virtually with children + families to support them with any challenges that arise due to ASD. She is pushing the envelope in terms of combining Energetic Kinesiology + Flower Essences