Explore the realms of Energetic Kinesiology and the healing power of flower essences with Energetic Kinesiologist & LOTUSWEI Practitioner from Australia, Kaitlin Western.

These workshops are for anyone eager to deepen their understanding of energetics & flower essences. Join us for an interactive weekend of exploration & self-discovery at the Self-Arising Nature Center.

FEBRUARY 7, 2025 • 9:30am - 5:30pm

EXPLORE Workshop

A single-day session focusing on the basics of Energetic Kinesiology & flower essences.

You will learn how to:

1. Test the body with Pre-Checks to ensure accurate Muscle Monitoring

2. Identify the connection between our Muscles & Meridian Systems, and support both with flower essences!

3. Rebalance Organs & Muscles using energy points on the body

4. Do the Emotion Protocol: locating emotional trauma in the body & releasing it with a flower essence

5. Use ‘Hand Modes’ to test what flower essence the body wants

*No prior knowledge of Kinesiology is required.

Now through January 16th, save $110 on your ticket. Early bird tickets: $425.

get early bird tickets

FEBRUARY 8-9, 2025 • 9:30am - 5:30pm

EXPAND Workshop for Practitioners*

A comprehensive two-day practitioner workshop offering advanced emotional techniques with acupressure points to uncover holographic coordinates within the body.

*Required prerequisite: EXPLORE Workshop.

You will learn how to:

1. Navigate Emotional Rebalancing in your clients

2. Perform a Chi Cycle Balance to optimize organ function

3. Balance Chakra energy centers with Energetic Kinesiology, and super-charge it with flower essences

4. Muscle Monitor using 'Hand Modes' for Essential Oils & Crystals

5. Use the Hologram Protocol with flower essences

Now through January 16th, save $110 on your ticket. Early bird tickets: $750.

get early bird tickets

*For professional healing practitioners only. If you would like to sign up for all 3 days (February 7 - 9), purchase your tickets here:

Now through January 16th, save $200 on your ticket price! Special early bird pricing: $1,060 (value: $1,260)!
  • EXPLORE Workshop Training Manual
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Five Element Emotions Chart
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Muscles + Meridians Workbook
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Crystal Scan Guide
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Energetic Kinesiology Vial Kit
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Complete Set of the CATALYST Pick-a-Flower Cards

  • EXPAND Workshop Training Manual
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Meridian Manual
    by Kaitlin Western

  • Chi Cycle Balance Chart
    by Kaitlin Western

Workshops also include:

Special guest appearances with wellness experts

LOTUSWEI's full collection of flower essences infused into every touchpoint

Nourishing sips & snacks: Herbal Wisdom Nectar Tea, Wei of Chocolate, Herbal Sodas, Coffee, Water

Introspective flower readings in the LOTUSWEI Boutique

Vibrant lunch with gluten free & vegan options


Kaitlin Western

Kaitlin is an Energetic Kinesiologist based in Australia who has been working with flower remedies for over 25 years.

Her focus over the last few years has been integrating LOTUSWEI flower essences deeper into her Kinesiology work.

"As time goes by, and the more clients I see, I believe the synchronicity between the two modalities [energetic kinesiology & flower essences] is even more profound. With every client, I'm looking deeply into what they need to remove stress within their body. Tapping into their innate awareness, with the use of muscle monitoring is exciting,  as we follow the trail of clues that the body provides us, via the muscle response. This is significant, as the muscle monitoring not only directs us to the root cause, but also to what the body needs to resolve the issue. No matter what it is ... I always find myself saying:

'There's a flower for that!'"


Frequently Asked Questions

What does Kinesiology mean?

'Kinesi' means movement, and 'ology' is the study of it.

What is Energetic Kinesiology?

Through the use of Muscle Monitoring, Energetic Kinesiology allows us to discover areas that are stressed in the body, and then illuminate what the body needs to correct it. It brings the body back into balance so it can self heal.

I am a Massage Therapist. Can I do the EXPAND Practitioner Workshop?

Yes, of course! If you are a Practitioner from another modality, we would love to see you! This is the perfect way to add some more tools to your kit for you & your clients benefit!

Can I just do the practitioner-only EXPAND Workshop by itself?

No, the EXPLORE Workshop is a prerequisite for the EXPAND Workshop.

What do I need to wear & bring on the day?

Wear comfortable clothing, and bring something to take notes with. Everything else is provided. Oh, and bring your beautiful, open heart!

Can I buy flower essences at the workshop?

You sure can! The LOTUSWEI Shop will be open for you to stock up on flower essences covered in the course, as well as dark chocolate, herbal tea & more!

Are there some flower essences that would be helpful to work with before attending the workshops?

Great question! My recommendations would be: L'Apothercary Anointing Oil ~ I love the Rosemary in it which magnifies our psychic awareness, ancient wisdom, mental sharpness, clarity and perception. Sacred Awareness for heightened intuition,  awakening, and energetic perception. If you want to dive deep with the Healer Heal Thyself antidote, then grab Divine Truth for devotion to your vision, self-healing and deeper understanding that leads to your purpose work. 

  • Autism Spectrum & Flower Essence Workshop lead by Kaitlin Western

    Discover a nurturing approach to supporting children with autism. Specializing in integrating flower essences into the lives of autistic children, Kaitlin offers a unique perspective on addressing various challenges such as delayed speech and learning differences, social communication and interaction, and more.

    More details coming soon!

  • Book a 1:1 Session with Kaitlin

    Liberate more life-force by removing imbalances & traumas. Access the truth of your body through kinesiology, muscle monitoring & tapping into your innate awareness. Find out exactly what your body needs & which flower essences will support you.

    make an appointment