Natalie here!

Happy Spring!! The desert is heating up! Saguaro and Prickly Pear Cacti buds are starting to bloom, along with many others.

It’s a beautiful time of year, but I, like many others, have been needing support with seasonal allergies.

So I’m excited to share some of my favorite Spring tips that I hope can help you stop & smell the flowers – comfortably – this season!

Through studying Western Herbalism, one herb in particular has become my go-to for seasonal allergies. And I was actually drawn to this herb by a rumor of its special affinity for cat allergies!

The herb, which grows quite happily here in the Sonoran desert, is Goldenrod, Solidago canadensis in Latin.

I learned to always keep Goldenrod on hand upon adopting my crazy orange kitten a few years ago. I keep a tincture (glycerite or alcohol extract) of the herb, and offer a dropperful or two, in a splash of water or juice, to any sneezy guests in my home.

But it’s come in handy not just for my guests who are sensitive to cat hair.

It’s actually great for cat allergies because it is a perfect and gentle decongestant for any upper respiratory congestion–from the environment, animals, sinusitis, flu and common colds.

I take 30-60 drops (in water) when I feel sniffly, sneezy, have itchy or watery eyes, and within 20 minutes, I can magically breathe with ease!

For support with more intense immune responses, I’ll take up to 4 doses of the tincture throughout the day.

Goldenrod is an incredible alternative to the usual—often inhibiting OTC allergy medications. And this is only one of its many benefits!

Another great–and yummy–seasonal allergy remedy is local, unprocessed honey!

This is such an interesting, and sweet ; ) example of the powers of homeopathic remedies.

The benefit comes from ingesting a ‘micro-dose’ of your local pollen, gifted by honey bees, so that the body can respond with ease when exposed to larger ‘doses’!

The dosage of local honey for allergies depends on each individual, but the rule of thumb is to start with 1 teaspoon a day, and gradually increase every other day, and then daily if needed. You can take up to 1 tablespoon per 50 lbs. of body weight per day, but it’s important to gradually increase from a small dose.

Some other great supporters for adapting to seasonal changes are:

Sacred Body - For revitalization, to amplify resilience & strength. It helps bring ease & calm to the body, and reminds us to trust in the body’s intelligence.

Boundless Wisdom - Especially if you ever find yourself frustrated or discouraged by your symptoms. This blend helps us be accepting. It offers us more flexibility, openness & softness.

Force Field Tea - Alison, owner of Wisdom Nectar Tea, makes the most delicious tea blends that are so gently nourishing to the body! Force Field Tea strengthens the immune system, is extremely nourishing, helps adapt to stress, and gently calms the nervous system.

I hope these tips help you enjoy Springtime to the fullest this year!

Love & flower petals,

P.S. This information is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.

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